Friday, July 17, 2009


A community rejoices

And mourns

In the same breath

Grateful for the blessing

of precious moments shared.

Grieved to lose

Their tangible glimmer of hope

In the dreary world in which they live.

Though peoples faces come

and go

Encouragments and raising up

There is one with them remains

Tried and true

Hope anew

Mercy and grace

Together dispel the shame

That society has black-marked them with

From behind the walls

Their light will shine

And bring forth this glory divine.

And walls will fall

Brick by brick

Until the life outside

And life within

Will grow to greater heights

Seeds have been planted.

Beneath concrete they lay

Whose roots will grow strong

And push back these layers

From generations past

The rains will pour down

And heat of the sun will wear

Until the sprouts break free

Shattering the concrete

And all will see

The glory of our Lord in


1 comment:

  1. Love you, love God's joy that shines from you, Love your heart for this nation.

    Honored to call you sister,
    Sarah Dawn
