Saturday, August 29, 2009

I Dare You To Move (Te Reto Mover)

So the week that Kristy taught on inner healing, we had a celebration day. Each of us was to create something with God about what He had done in our lives during the week.

I went to get a piece of cardboard to paint, and I felt God whisper ¨I have something better¨so I didn´t grab the cardboard...

I pulled out a nice big chunk of wall out of some discarded building materials, and I thought it was PERFECT. I got out the paints and magazine clippings and started making one of my famous collages. Again I felt God whisper ¨this isn´t what you are going to present¨ I pretty much said whatever God, as I continued to work on the painting. ¨This is just for you¨I ignored Him and kept working...

As I walked into my bedroom I Dare You To Move by Switchfoot played very vividly in my mind, and I did a little twirl.... O NO GOD... O NO... I AM NOT GOING TO DANCE. I´m going to present this painting...

I listened to the song, and it was like something inside of me woke up, and desired to dance, I saw the first part of the dance - it was going to be the story of the deliverance of my fears, and idols...

But I was so AFRAID to dance, because well, quite frankly I don´t know how...So I asked God, ¨do I have to dance?¨¨no¨ he responded, but I could feel his heart sadden, so I asked ¨Do you want me to dance?¨ ¨Yes¨ ¨Okay, then, I´ll dance...but it needs to be totally of you, you need to be alll over this...¨

As I played the song over and over again, God would show me a little more of the dance play out, but I was missing a big chunk of time...

I went to the celebration and had songs, poems, and artwork minister to my spirit. Then I saw this girl dance, she had such grace, such fluid movement, and I...welll... I started to compare myself and make every excuse for why I should just share my painting.

God stopped me mid stream of though ¨let this dance touch you, just receive from her dance, you have something different to offer¨I had been so caught up and focused on my own dance that I wasn´t taking hers for the beauty that it brought to the room. So I just soaked it all in, and then prayed as I presented mine, that God´s Holy Spirit would empower me,and open hearts and that my dance would be used for His purposes

I gave it everything I had, and as I was dancing God showed me what the last part of the dance, and it was so powerful. Even if it wasn´t to touch the hearts of others, this dance was a prophetic declaration over my life, over my calling, where I´ve come from and where I´m going... With just a step at a time I´m learning to dance.

image source

La semana que ense~o Kristy acerca de sanidad interior, tuvimos un dia de celebracion. Cada uno de nosotros teniamos que creer algo acerca de lo que Dios habia hecho en nosotros durante la semana. Tome una cartolina para pintar, y senti que Dios me dijo "Tengo algo mejor" entonces no use la cartolina. Al rato vi un pedaso de pared entre unas materiales que habian botado, y pense que era PERFECTO.

Saque las pinturas y empeze una de las obras de artes que estoy acostumbrada de hacer. De nuevo senti Dios susurar "esto no es lo que vas a presentar" Y basicamente lo ignore y sigui pintando,mientras que El me dijo que "Esto es solamente para ti" pero aun asi segui trabajando.

Subi a mi cuarto y la cancion "I dare you to move" (Te Reto Mover) de Switchfoot sono tan fuerte en mi mente. Hize un movimiento de baile que salio de mi corazon. ... O NO... DIOS... NO... NO VOY A BAILAR. Voy a presentar esta pintura.

Escuche la cancion, y fue como algo dentro de mi se desperto, y deseo bailar. Vi el primer parte del baile- iba ser una estoria de la liberacion de mis temores y idolos...

Pero, tenia tanto MIEDO de bailar, porque francamente, no se como... Entonces pregunte a Dios, "tengo que bailar?" "no" respondio Dios, pero senti que su corazon entristesio. Entonces pregunte "quieres que yo bailo" "si" "okay, entonces, bailare... pero esto necesita ser completamente de Ti, nesesitas estar en esto"

Mientras que escuche la cancion una y otra vez, Dios me ensenio mas y mas de el baile, pero me hacia falta la parte del final....

Fui a la celebracion y las canciones, poemas, y obras de arte ministraron tanto a mi espiritu. Luego vi esta muchacha bailar, tenian tanta gracia, movimiento que fluye... y yo... pues empeze a compararme, y hice excusas por que debia solamente mostrar mi pintura.

Dios me paro mientras que estaba pensando y me dijo "deje que este baile te toque, recibe de este baile, tienes algo diferente para ofrecer" Estaba tan enfocada en mi baile que no estaba dejando entrar la hermosura que el baile de ella trajo al lugar. Entonces tome de lo que ella ofrecio y luego ore para que El Espiritu de Dios me empodera, y abriera corazones para que mi baile podria cumplir con los propositos de el.

Entrege todo lo que tenia para dar, y mientras bailaba, Dios me mostro el ultimo parte del baile, y fue tan poderoso. Aun si Dios no lo iba usar para tocar los corazones de otros, este baile fue una declaracion profetica sobre mi vida, mi llamado, de donde vengo, y hacia donde voy... con un paso a la vez estoy aprendiendo bailar.

Friday, August 28, 2009

The Sacred Serenade - La Serenata Sagrada

So I´ve always dreampt of being serenaded. The romance of it, someone being so intensely in love with me that they just have to express it in the middle of the night through a song that they wrote for me and just can´t wait until morning to express... hopeless romantic, I know... (I shouldn´t say hopeless, because someday, i know this romance will come...)

But I love that I´m in love with an even more romantic God (we are made in his image, so why shouldn´t he be romantic...) and humorous too...

So this morning I was listening to the radio that the construction workers next door were listening to, and it was all about Serenades... so that longing for romance was stirred....

I´m sitting at the kitchen table eating bread and drinking coffee when all of a sudden I am no longer in control of my left hand... it´s being held by a thirteen year old boy who sponatneously burst into a fifteen second song dedicated to me....

Haha. LordDadGod, you are funny... and I just love you.

Siempre he deseado una serenata. El romance de eso, que alguien este tan enamorado con mi que lo tienen que expresarlo y no pueden esperar hasta la maniana para expresarlo en una cancion... tal vez soy una romantica sin esperanza (bueno, no debo decir sin esperanza, porque se que algun dia ese romance llegara...)

Amo que estoy enamorada con un Dios que es aun mas romantica (somos hechos en su imagem, entonces porque no seria romantico?) y chistoso tambien...

Entonces esta ma~ana estaba escuchando el radio que constructores a la par estaban escuchando, y se trataba de serenatas... entonces ese deso para romance salio en mi...

Estaba sentada tomando cafe, y de un pronto a otro ya no tenia control de mi mano... un chiquito de trece spontaniamente me hecho una cancion de unos 15 segundos. Insipirada y dedicada a mi...

HAHA Se~orPapiDios, eres chistoso, y solamente Te Amo

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

<< REWIND << >PLAY> Enemy Identified. Time for War - Enemigo Identificado. Tiempo de Guerra

From the days of John the Baptist until now, the kingdom of heaven has been forcefully advancing, and forceful men lay hold of it. Mathew 11:12

Desde los días de Juan el Bautista hasta ahora, el reino de los cielos ha venido avanzando contra viento y marea, y los violentos lo conquistan por la fuerza. 11:12
I had the beautiful privilage of translating for another very spirit filled woman, one of my good freinds, mentor, ecourager, challenger... (the list is endless of what she is to me) Sarah. Mother of two incredible little boys, Joshua and Caleb, and wife of my former DTS leader, Ryan, mentor, stirrer of hunger for God{s glory and kingdom come... (again the list is endless).

I was able to stand alongside of her and wage war, advance the kingdom of heaven, while exposing the enemy, and sharing about the war that we were born into and starts the moment we realize that we are in the middle of it.

Two things that stuck with me from the teaching (having gone through it 2 years ago, and now translating for this DTS) We need to be AWARE of our enemy but IMPRESSED by God... you can{t worry and trust God at the same time - whew- (raises guilty of not trusting God)

It was such a remarkable sight. Seeing the students challenged, encouraged, empowered, and then commissioned by God to get out of their chairs, pick up their armor, and take a stand against their enemy for the kingdom of God.

I saw God{s heart for healing this week as well, as some of what was taught last week trickled into this week. First in my life (which will be it{s own blog post to be released on tuesday), and then in the lives of at least 2 of the students, one of whom i{m sure to be a lifelong friend.

I just love Jesus....
Tuve la bella privelegio de traducir para otra mujer muy llena del espiritu, una de mis buenas amigas, mentores, animador, retor... (la lista no tiene fin de quien ella es para mi) Sarah. Madre a dos hijos increibles, Josue y Caleb, y esposa de mi lider de la EDE, Ryan, mentor, alguien que mueve y causa hambre para la gloria del reino de Dios, (otra vez la lista no tiene fin)

Yo pude estar al lado de Sarah, para luchar, y avenzar el reino del cielo, mientras que revelamos los tacticos del enemigo, y compartiamos acerca de la guerra en que nosotros naciamos, y empezamos el momento que nos damos cuenta que ya estamos en medio de ella.

Dos cosas que resaltaron para mi en su ense`ianza (despues de haber escuchado este ense~anza hace 2 a~os y ahorra a traducirlo para la EDE) tenemos que estar pendientes de nuestro enemigo pero impresionado por Dios... y no puedes preocuparte y confiar en Dios a la vez... uy! (estoy culpable de no confiar en Dios...)

Fue algo muy impactante lo que vi. Ver los estudiantes, retados, animados, empoderados, y commisionados de Dios de salir de sus sillas, recoger su armadura, y tomar su lugar de pie contra el enemigo para el reino de Dios.

Vi el corazon de Dios para sanidad esta semana, como parte de lo que aprendimos la semana pasada surgio durante esta semana. Primero en mi vida ( que va a ser su propia "post") y luego en la vida de por lo menos 2 de los estudiantes, una de ellas, se que va a ser una amiga de la vida.

Simplemente amo a Jesus....

<< REWIND << >PLAY> JUCUM San Jose

We have to rewind a bit because I didn{t share about my INCREDIBLE experience in San Jose.

At first I was pretty nervous to be going, not knowing any body who lived on base. But God totally was watching out for me in this and it turned out that one of my friends from the Heredia base was going to be helping with Mission Adventures at the San Jose base. Knowing one person on base was really grounding. Not to mention that the moment I arrived I was greeted with the sweet kiss of this enveloping peace and presence of God that just DWELLS there. Yep, God definately has me covered.

The first week I was translating for my friend Kristy on inner healing. I love translating for really spirit filled people, its like her annointing and peace just rested on me when I translated, like a cloth that was just draped over me. I saw Jesus doing some HUGE stuff in the classroom, and being able to be a part of that and interceeding really touched me. It was so neat to see God moving so strongly and bringing so much freedom to the DTS students, the staff, and even myself. I{m also really grateful in that it{s like a little toe dipping time, getting my feet wet before running and jumping off the deep end in Arizona....

I was so blessed this week to hear the heart stories of such amazing women. I{m forever marked by them, and just love how God connects us. It was a time of encouragement, and intimacy, open hearts thirsty for all that God has to pour into each one.

¨I will give them an undivided heart and put a new spirit in them; I will remove from them their heart of stone and give them a heart of flesh.¨ - Ezekiel 11:19

Tenemos que devolvernos un poco porque no comparti acerca de mi tiempo INCREIBLE que experimente en San Jose.

Al principio estuve un poco nerviosa, al no saber nadien que vivia en la base. Pero Dios estaba quidando de mi en esto y surgio que uno de mis amigos de la base de Heredia iba estar ayudando con Aventuras Misioneras en la base de San Jose. Conociendo a una persona fue algo que me aseguro. Ademas de eso, el momento que llegue fue saludada por el dulce beso de el paz que me cubria y la presencia de dios INHABITA ese lugar. Si, Dios me esta cuidando.

La primera semana que estuve traduciendo para Kristy acerca de sanidad interior. Me encanta traduciendo para gente que estan lleno de del espiritu santo, es como su uncion y paz reposaba sobre mi mientras que traduje, como un manto que cayo sobre mi. Vi a Jesus haciendo GRANDES cosas en el aula, y poder ser parte de eso intercediendo me toco. Fue bueno ver Dios mover tan fuerte y traendo libertad en las vidas de los estudiantes, el personal, y en mi vida. Estoy tan agradecida por esto. Es como que puse mi dedo en una picina, mojando los pies antes de correr y brincar a la profundidad en Arizona.

Estuve bendecida esta semana de escuchar las estorias de los corazones de unas mujeres muy asombrantes. Estoy marcada por siempre por ellas, y me encanta como Dios nos conecta. Fue un tiempo de animo, intimidad, y corazones abiertos y sedientos para todo de lo que Dios queire derramar en cada uno de nosotras.

Yo les daré un solo corazón y pondré un espíritu nuevo dentro de ellos. Y quitaré de su carne el corazón de piedra y les daré un corazón de carne Ezekiel 11:19

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

FIRE... it{s a little hotter than I thought...

So... my heart cry has been, and continues to be for God{s fire to consume me. So that all that I am, is who HE wants me to be.

Fire is hot.
It burns.
And it allows impurities to surface.

This week I saw quite a bit of it...

I saw pride show its nasty face... It{s not like a boastful pride, but like a self centeredness, always thinking about myself, or how others perceive me. So there is an element of the fear of man mixed in their. Pride. Fear of man. GROSS.

God{s highlighting areas of my life and I{m just crying out to Him to dig deeper and pull these things out from their roots....

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Empty Handed, Full Hearted

I{m not quite sure i can fully identify with Abraham.. taking his SON to be a sacrifice. What a HARD and difficult journey that must have been up the mountain.

I take a look at the petty things that i had held onto so tightly. When God asks for them my face flushes, my palms sweat, my kneews shake... but I carry it (sometimes slowly) to the alter.

Each time the alter looks different... sometimes a fire, sometimes a grave i{ve had to dig myself, but last night it was a person...

Seeing his face and hearing his astonished and almost unbelief filled ¨GOD IS STARTING TO ANSWER MY PRAYERS¨ makes the sacrifice and walking away empty handed so worth it.

I walk away empty handed, but will a heart that is filled.

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Thursday, August 13, 2009

Change My Heart

So you know those people who when they get online, you can't help but roll your eyes... I was so passive talking with someone tonight, I could've just cried. I did not want to chat with her, but something kept me there. She starts to pour out her heart... JESUS???? WHAT DO I DO WITH THIS????? walls go up inside me, I start doing something else online. I don't want to touch this with a ten foot pole. Why? Pride and Fear mostly. What if what I say isn't enough? she keeps sharing. Desperately crying out for help. So i pray, and God gives me the words, a heart for her, and a lesson in humility along with it... because freedom was brought to this young woman's life. YEP, inner healing happens over the internet- but it's all Jesus, and not me. It is his compassion for this child of his (The Lord knows I didn't have any to offer when we started.)

Jesus, take this heart, purify its motives, that my heart would be where yours is

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Spackled Walls and a Deeper Call

We went to Fraijanes, a place that had been affected by the earthquake that happened earlier this year. There we were painting bus stops. My job was to spackle. I was filling in gaps in the wall so that paint could easily go on. As I filled in the cracks, God whispered to my heart

“Those from among you will rebuild the ancient ruins; You will raise up the age-old foundations; And you will be called the repairer of the breach, The restorer of the streets in which to dwell.”

Wow! I love God. One of the ways that he speaks to me is through what I do ... As I did something very practical, very physical, God whispered what I would be doing in the spiritual realm as well….

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

A True God Sent

I just met the most amazing woman that I have ever met in my life. One day she realized that she could do more than just be a house wife, and she prayed to God that he would show her how to use her to the best of her abilities. The next day a woman stopped by early in the morning asking her if she could take care of her three kids. More and more children kept arriving, and pretty soon she had to ask her mother in law for space to watch kids, but even that wasn’t enough. Within time she had some government support and was able to have a place for the kids to come daily. Her doors open before 6 and she has kids until after 10 at night.

She receives a little bit of government support for 80 some of the children. She receives well over that number, many of the children’s parents undocumented and unable to pay. She’s all go go go – as she runs the whole show with the help of 3 other women.

The most impacting thing is the LOVE that she pours out for these children. She shared with me that with every diaper she changes she is giving everything she has. She won’t make disgusting faces, but willingly cleans each one of them – just one of the many ways that she expresses her love to the children. She also shared about she disciplines them and uses tough love so that they learn, and won’t let them get by with all that they try to do. She boasts that not one swear word is spoken within her gates.

What broke my heart was hearing the story of a little boy and his little sister. Their mother is a prostitute and drug addict, both born of different fathers. They are some of the kids that are there until ten at night. One day the mom dropped of her son, and not her daughter. She didn’t come back to pick him up until four days later. This same little boy has been abused by his stepfather- his little sister’s father. The woman explains that those are the reasons why she works as much as she does.

She provides a safe place for these children to be. Free from drugs, free from violence, and abuse. If they weren’t with her they would be in their houses, neighbor’s houses or on the streets, suffering through all sorts of evils. She knows all about the street life, having grown up there herself, and she wants something better for these kids. She wants to have a place where they are safe, they are loved, and they are encouraged to move forward in their studies and live a different lifestyle from that of their parents.

Monday, August 10, 2009

His Presence and Ministry with Ohio team

From day 1 of being with them INCREDIBLE things have taken place. They are very open to the workings and the movement of the Holy Spirit. We had an AMAZING time in worship together where the presence of God was so tangible so real, I saw our hearts joining as one to worship the God that we all know and love. Our team ministered to theirs, and then theirs to ours and we ended up interceding for Heredia, Costa Rica, and the churches of Costa Rica. It was such a sweet time in the presence of God.

I translated for Church, and there were several times I had to hold my self back from shouting out when the Holy Spirit came upon me. I felt the pastors mantle resting upon me as I shared. The Holy Spirit to many of the youth and women of the church. My eyes were set on one woman but since I was translating it took me a while to get to her. The moment I set my hand on her, I began to pray as the Holy Spirit led, and She immediately started crying- entering into areas of her life that she hadn’t in the past, allowing Jesus to enter into her hurt, and being able to forgive those who had hurt her. It was SO powerful. God is setting the captives free!

We went to a park to share about Jesus and all that Jazz and we approached two guys, talked forever about everything under the sun, and then in the end asked if we could pray for them. They said yes and the first guy said for his school. The second guy said the same, but I could tell that he had something more, so I asked him and he OPENED up and shared about all of his pains with his father's alcoholism, how it tore apart his family and the lonliness he felt. This was HUGE for him to be sharing. His friend was hearing it all for the first time- and something in their friendship deepened. They are going to be able to hold each other up in times of difficulty, and for that I am so grateful.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Singing a New Song

A couple weeks ago, my little buddy Caleb (age 5) asked me a very simple question. But it sparked very profound moment of introspection... This little boy placed his hand over my mouth and asked "Why do you sing all the time?"

I responded with, "Because God has restored my joy"

God is SO good.

I don't know if most of you know this or not but I had struggled with depression, and suicidal thoughts, self-mutilation and the like for 7 years of my life. It was a time plagued of despair.


He has changed my despair into JOY. This Joy that I just CAN'T CONTAIN- so I sing. all the time. everywhere. anywhere (yes even on the toilet). It is amazing. I just feel so free, and not only songs that I know but Spontaneous Songs lifted toward the heavens proclaiming the things of God's kingdom on earth.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

New Creation

I almost forgot to write about one of the most remarkable things that I have ever experienced in my life! It took place as I was walking in Downtown San Jose, after spending the night at my good friend (more like a sister) Cinthia’s house. That morning as I had woken up to a vision of a pair of crutches – it was a two part vision- part for me, and part for one of my friend. So naturally as I caught glimpse of a man sitting on the curbside with a pair of crutches, I was captivated. I couldn’t take my gaze off of him.

This man appeared as though he carried the weight of the world in the wrinkles of his face. He asked me for money. I asked him if I could sit with him. He said yes, and as I sat down- I saw many pair of eyes look at me with curiosity in their gaze. It was as if with their glances they were asking- why would she sit on the ground with HIM… but I enjoy the people of the streets- sometimes more than others- (have to keep my heart in check sometimes)

I asked this man if I could heal his leg. He lifted his pant leg and showed me that he had been shot in the knee, it was bandaged, and shorter than the other one. As I spoke healing to his leg, God showed me that he was holding bitterness in his heart against his brother. When I asked him if this was true, he said yes that his *@$% brother had left him to fend for his own on the streets after their mother died. That every day he passes him on the street and doesn’t greet him (this is huge for a latin American country as greetings are very much part of the culture). To this I shared about the forgiveness, how Jesus extends it to us, and invites us to do the same to others. He received it, asked Jesus for forgiveness, and forgave his brother.

I saw this weight lift off of him, and began again to speak healing to his leg. Then he started laughing and looking up at me he exclaimed “IT’S GROWING! IT’S GROWING.” This man’s leg grew out a good 6 inches, but had about 3 inches left to grow. I asked God to heal him 100% but God said that he had more to do over the course of several days. I shared this with the man, and told him not to believe anything that the enemy brings, and after explaining that the enemy is he who comes to condemn, cast guilt and shame, steal, kill, and destroy- I told him not to stand for it, to say no- In Jesus I am a new creation. He continued to exclaim as joy radiated from his face “I AM A NEW CREATION! I AM A NEW CREATION!”